I had drawn lots of portraits for ex-co members of Katso when I was at Hong Kong Polytechnic. I kept draw portraits for friends of FCS after my school time. I had drawn a portrait of Bishop Joseph Zen also. Portraits are presents for my friends. However I do not think I can draw quick sketch of portrait until I am here in Taiwan. I need to thank Br. William again. He invited me to make quick sketches for those senior citizens during a street activity of an elderly centre. I refused at the very beginning but I tried at last and found that I could do so, although those sketches were not good enough.
My first trial Chinese painting-Lotus
I like classic Chinese poetry and Chinese literature also. In my secondary school there was no Chinese literature but only Chinese language. I read classic Chinese poems myself and tried to write new lyrics for old songs when I was studying at Polytechnic. I tried to write poetry only after my school life. The first time I visited the famous West Lake in Hangzhou of Zhejiang Province, I was deeply attracted by the beautiful scenery and was moved to write poem. Nevertheless I stopped from writing new lyrics for old song and writing poems afterward until I started my journey with St. Francis of Assisi.
By now I had written quite a few lyrics for old melodies. Most of them are about St. Francis of Assisi. I tried to draw the attention of people to St. Francis through such songs. Moreover I have written plenty rhyming riddles with names of members of the Franciscan Family. I wrote these with Cantonese tones. As Mandarin tones are quite different I have started to re-write some of my lyrics for old songs in Mandarin. Br. William prefers me to write lyrics for new song. He invited me to co-operate with him to write lyrics for new hymns. I tried once but had difficulty in getting familiar with the music. Anyway I shall try and hope that God will grant me such talent.
於2007年8月12日 調寄:貝多芬快樂頌
1. 大地鬥爭 方濟未聞 玩樂阿西西市鎮 父業恃依 方濟未疑 日夜宴歌多放肆
自大志豪 為顯功勞 誤釋基督挽弓矛 敗陣悔懺 方濟憑欄 前塵細思問疑難
2. 獨念救恩 方濟夢魂 歧途折返心振奮 利令智昏 方濟樂聞 浮華棄拋釋窘困
遇癩病人 互擁親吻 盡顯基督愛精神 望復聖身 方濟確認 在十架中得重任
3. 父恨太癡 方濟力持 未懼赤身抒壯志 仁人再思 方濟言辭 齊來獻身未遲疑
共念舊時 為主奔馳 誓宣基督愛甘飴 活現聖書 方濟神儀 麻袍赤足過城池
4. 肉慾棄拋 方濟忠告 貧無掛牽消懊惱 旁人責鬧 方濟同袍 面晤教宗說召叫
捨棄財寶 不畏辛勞 是隨基督足印跑 衛道志高 方濟不撓 惟求在天聖母保
5. 長治久安 方濟盼望 傳揚四方促向善 令喻已頒 方濟召喚 聚集弟兄一會誕
姊妹欣然 聚達勉堂 默觀基督伴佳蘭 在俗共甘 方濟稱讚 同按福音活塵寰
6. 杜絕戰爭 方濟熱忱 回王賞識聲遠振 為伏政爭 方濟力陳 巡迴廣宣化怒恨
遇壞牧人 未減謙誠 為尊基督血肉呈 使徒化身 方濟傳承 重納眾心歸父神
7. 會聚三思 方濟言辭 辯論刺激損愛意 願為恃依 方濟樂擬 未料會規要延遲
律令嚴厲 弟兄質疑 是否基督最堅持 避席再思 方濟慎擬 完成會規決呈辭
8. 護育幼羔 方濟作導 豺狼猛鷹聽勸告 莫認至高 方濟任勞 亂用濫摧萬物倒
鳥獸聚牢 上主功勞 靜聽基督救恩豪 洞穴光耀 驢牛伴禱 共賀聖嬰誕馬槽
9. 拉維納山 方濟避談 默受聖傷堪讚嘆 淚滴滿衫 方濟目殘 同途勸止惜太晚
萬物頌彈 未感身軟 臨終歸於寶尊壇 十月有三 方濟夢還 遺言赤身脫塵凡
調寄:貝多芬 快樂頌 於07年8月6日
混沌泰初 光現暗除 萬物誕生因救主 下地上天 花開雲舞 月亮太陽 掌夜日
水內沉浮 魚蝦怪物 半空鳥兒在歌舞 大地結出 千果百穀 育養眾生 多眷顧
爬蟲獸畜 陸地遍處 誰來照管兼看顧 按主肖像 造成男女 把受造物 來托付
萬物相輔 共享川湖 引吭高歌震深谷 頌謝主恩 造生愛護 視受造物 如手足
In conclusion, I hope that I may have the opportunity to study art. As one must work to earn a living, I hope that these artworks may generate some income for the community. I am really encouraged as we were asked whether the wire crucifixes that I made are for sale. I think I shall not refuse to sell them if people appreciate them and it is good for evangelization.
May I earn my life with my products?
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