Sunday, 2 September 2007

My Cross

My cross, my crucifixes

Hanging crucifixes (top row) and standing crucifixes

Crucifix made by galvanized iron wire with different bases

Crucifix made with plated aluminum wire

My cross, my crucifixes

With thanks to God, I learned indirectly from Fr. Pius Jeun the technique of making a crucifix with a single piece of wire. He had taught my postulant brothers before I arrived Taiwan to join the community. Ever since I saw the wire crucifix made by Fr. Jeun I was looking for time to learn the technique. At last he asked the postulant brothers to teach me and Paul took up this responsibility. Paul made one crucifix together with me and I practiced by myself afterwards. I love it very much and keep on practicing. Today I have developed my own style of crucifix which is somewhat different from that of Fr. Jeun.

I need to thank Br. William too. He asked me to make 30 crucifixes for a sister in USA who had requested for some of these crucifixes. I might not have practiced so hard if I had not got such assignment. I became more skillful after this practice. At that moment most crucifixes were for hanging. However I found that most people like the standing crucifix with a base more than that for hanging. Br. William suggested that base stand for the crucifix might have different design, and I started to make crucifixes with different base designs.

For me, making crucifixes with a piece of wire is not only an art form. It helps me to pray also. I pray when I am making these wire crucifixes. Moreover when I need to wait for somebody or something else, I can make crucifixes and pray rather than walking around. Therefore I always bring some wires and a pair of pliers with me. The crucifixes made by me are souvenirs to be given away for my friends. They become a tool for evangelization also. It is easier to start discussion with new friends who Jesus is by talking about the person shown by the crucifix.

Fr. Jeun asked us to try making crucifixes with colour-plated aluminum wire. However I prefer using ordinary galvanized iron wire. Despite the more attractive outlook aluminum wire is not tough enough. Moreover the colour plating of aluminum wire will be damaged easily during the making process. Instead galvanized iron wire crucifix is not easy to be deformed after it is made. Furthermore it is nearly impossible not to make any mistake during the process. After twisting galvanized iron wire can be recovered with little mark left while clear mark will be found on the splendorous surface of the plated aluminum wire. From this I learn also: it is nearly impossible not to make any mistake in my life, and I do not like to keep records of mistakes so clearly on my face.

Once when I was making a wire crucifix and wearing a shirt with a cross as design as well as a “Tau” around my neck, somebody asked me whether I felt difficult for bearing so many crosses. I replied that the cross I borne from Jesus is always soft and is within my capability. In fact I do not treat my cross as a burden. Therefore I do not feel uneasy to bear my Cross. Moreover I like to share my experience of carrying my cross as well as my wire crucifixes with those who are interested in this.



Anonymous said...

Really nice - are these for sale?

ermite said...



Brother William OFM said...

For those who are interested in buying these crosses, please send us an email: brotherwilliam(a-t)hotmail(d-o-t)com